Urine Analysis

How many types of urine Analysis

There are three types of urine Analysis

  • Physical Examination
  1. Chemical Examination
  2. Microscopic Examination
Urine Examination
  1. Introduction
  2. Clinical Significance
  3. Sample collection and Preservation
  4. Types of Examination
1. Introduction

To detect metabolic or endocrine disturbance perform by Chemical Examination and second purpes of identifying urinary tract and kidney disease. Generally in urine glucose protein bile kiton body bile salt bile pigment etc are absent but disease conditions this is pass out by the urine. 
Composition of normal urine
  1. Volume.                    1200ml to 1500 ml per day
  2. Specific Gravity       1.003 to 1.030
  3. Reaction.                    Acidic
  4. Ph.                              6.0
  5. Colour.                       Pale yellow
  6. Order.                         Aciridic

2. Clinical Significance

  1. Polyuria
  2. Anuuria
  3. Oliguria
  4. Dysuria 
  5. Glycosuria
  6. Protineuria
  7. Kitoacidosis
  8. Renalfuilure
  9. Diabetic Insipidus
  10. Urinary tract infection
2. Sample collection and Preservation

Types of specimen
  1. First voilet mid stream morning urine (M.S.U)
  2. Container use fore urine specimen
Preservation of urine
Thymol and HCL Use for preserve urine. Store the urine specimen in refrigerator at 2 to 8C° for prevent the bacterial in urine specimen

4 Types of Examination

There are three of urine Examination

  1. Physical Examination
  2. Chemical Examination
  3. Microscopic Examination
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