
Introduction :- 
Amoeba is a simple structurally protozoa that never has a fixed shape.

Amoeba 🦠

  1. Phylum          - Sarcomastigophora
  2. Sub Phylum  - Sarcodina
  3. Order             - Amoeboid
  4. Class.           - Lobosea
The following genus has been placed under this order

Entamoeba Genus 

  • Entamoeba Histolytica
  • Entamoeba Coil
  •  Entamoeba Gingivalis

Endolimax Nana .

  • Indamoeba Genus 

Iodamoeba Genus 

  • Iodamoeba Butschlii
Its ketoplasm is bound by a unit membrane called outer ectoplasm and can differentiate into inner endoplasm.

Pseudopodia are formed by outer ectoplasm and inner endoplasm produces bound projection.

Pseudopodia's process keeps getting worse which produces an immediate change in the shape of the cell.

These pseudopods help in swallowing and locomotion through phagocytosis.

Amoeba is a free living parasite. This parasite is both pathogenic and non-pathogenic in humans.

The pathogenic intestinal amoeba Entamoeba histolytica in humans and the non-pathogenic mouth amoeba Entamoeba gingivalis and intestinal.

Amoeba Entamoeba Coli Endolimax Nana and Iodamoeba Butschlii