
  1. Introduction 
  2. Amoeba
  3. E.Histolytica 
  4. E.Gingivalis
  5. Giardia Lamblia
  6. Trichomonas Vaginalis
  7. Malaria Parasite 

General Characters of Protozoa

  1. It is a unicellular organism whose size varies from 1mm to 50mm.
  2. It is Heterotrophs
  3. It moves by means of Pseudopodae flagella, Chilia.
  4. These normally make their food through Phagocytosis.
  5. True cell wall is not found in.
  6. Most protozoa have single nucleus but some Protozoa are also multinucleated.
  7. It cell structure, mode of life , Reproduction is very complex.
  8. Most of the Reproduction is done by Binary Fission and Longitudinal fission.
  9. They contain contractile vacules for Osmo regulation 
  10. Some Protozoa are also spherical oval and elongated.
  11. Some are also Photosynthetic.
  12. They study of Protozoa is called Protozoalogy.

Classification of Protozoa

Protozoa parasite is divided into 4 parts on the basis of medical importance.
  1. Amoeba 
  2. Flagellate 
  3. Ciliate 
  4. Sporozoa
1. Amoeba :- This type of parasite can change any shape through its Pseudopodia.
  1. Structurally are simple and have flagella absent.
  2. Medically important amoeba is divided into two parts.
  • Amoeba of Almentary Canal
  • Pathogenic free Living Amoeba
2. Flagellate:-   This type of protozoa also shows a whip-like projection called flagella.
  1. These flagella are responsible for the locomotive.
  2. It causes systemic and local infection
  3. Parasites are divided into two parts on the basis of flagella.
  • Kinetoplastida 
  • Flagella without Kinetoplastida 

a. Kinetoplastida :-  They are haemoflagellates which are transmitted and cause systemic and local infections.

b. Flagella without Kinetoplastida :-  Multiple flagella are found in this, they mostly live in the intestine, hence it is also called intestinal flagellates.
Intestinal flagellate

3. Ciliate :- This type of protozoa moves through the cilia, these cilia cover the surface of their entire body.

4. Sporozoa :- Those protozoa have been kept under this group, which are formed sporozoites by the production of spores.
