Classification of Bacteria
Gram Stain

  • Gram Stain 
If you will see in microscopic Gram Positive bacteria will seen in Purple colour and Gram Nagative bacteria will be seen in red pink colour.

Gram positive

Gram positive bacteria on the bases of Shape will be divided into two types Gram Positive Cocci And Gram Positive Rods 

 Cocci Means 

Round Shape and on the Bassis of positive cocci bacteria Classified into Staphylococcus , Strepto Coccus , Enterococcus and Peptostreptococcus and Stophylococcus , streptococcus, Enterococcus are either aerob and facultative anerobs while Peptostreptococcus is an aerob bacteria . These bacteria need O2 or not on that based also we can say that it will be divided 

Important questions

By which test we can differentiate between or by which biochemical test we can differentiate between Staphylococcus and Streptococcus


Catalyst test 

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