Harris Faces Tight Polls

Kamala Harris is no stranger to the current political landscape which is marked with recent polls showing her neck-and-neck with former President Donald Trump. Trump has also stepped up his game in crucial battleground states like Michigan, making the said election a tight competition.

Media Strategy Shifts

Until now, Harris has chosen friendly forums for her media appearances—talk shows, podcasts, and news sources that share her views. Those interviews have made up the lion's share of her "media blitz," even though her performances haven't exactly been stellar.

But this week marks a major shift in her media strategy. For the first time, Harris will do a sit-down interview with Fox News, which is scheduled to air on Wednesday. Bret Baier will conduct the interview.

Tough Questions Ahead

Baier has promised not to pull any punches with Harris. He said the interview will be lightly edited only for time purposes, and he did state that no subject was off-limits. It sounds like Harris is in for a difficult discussion.

A Bold Move or Just a Reaction?

Credit where it's due: Harris deserved kudos for taking time to sit down with Fox News, which she previously had little interest in sitting for, much to the dismay of her progressive base. Sitting down under this pressure is huge regarding actions out of comfort zones.

The Bottom Line: Harris never became a conservative, but she did react to the political pressure.

Despite her decision to go on Fox, it doesn't mean she's moving in a conservative direction but rather the squeeze she feels from polls tightening and Trump gaining in the contested states.

Is Kamala Harris Reaching out to Republicans? Not Exactly—She's Just Compromising Due to Pressure

Harris Flip on Progressive Policies

Of course, some will ask if Kamala Harris's decision to appear on Fox News is an indication that she is serious about reaching out to Trump-weary Republicans. After all, she promised to include a Republican in her cabinet if elected and has already relented on several of those so-called progressive policies she once espoused.

But that's likely not this move's motivation.

Harris Is Feeling the Heat

Harris's recent visit to Fox News seems more of a damage control measure than any attempt at bridging divides. After all, it is recent polls that indicate she's losing ground not only to former President Donald Trump but also in key battleground states such as Michigan, where Trump suddenly appears more relevant.

Opinion: Why Trump Could Win Michigan

The combined effect is making her approval ratings take a sharp hit as the election nears. She slid dramatically in an NBC News poll from September. A temporary surge after replacing her running mate on the ticket didn't last long. A drop from a 48% positive rating (with 45% negative) to 43% positive and 49% negative, a net drop of 9 points, was reported in the poll.

This is not what any candidate wants going into the final stretch of the election.

Harris Struggles to Connect with Voters

Her latest media tour may not have the desired impact she and her strategists envisioned. At one point, it's designed to be likable and win some votes, but then again, it's bound to remind people of the very same reasons they never voted for Harris in the first place. Yet Harris is not backing away from her strategy, and now she is being heard by the listeners of Fox News in addition to CNN and NBC.

Time is Running Out

With the election rapidly approaching, Harris knows she needs to open up her base. Her appearance on Fox News is probably part of the plan to win over the moderate conservatives and independents, voters she desperately needs if she wants to avoid a loss in November. But with Harris's approval ratings plummeting and Trump gaining ground, Harris is running out of time.

Could Kamala Harris's Fox News Interview Backfire? Here's Why It Could

Damage to Approval Ratings

Kamala Harris may have wanted to do the right thing by appearing on Fox News. However, she is still at risk of losing out. Her previous media interviews, even when with so-called friendly hosts, were not appreciated by the people. The possibility that this one may damage her approval ratings further cannot be dismissed outright.

Interviews That Went Wrong

Consider her appearance this week on ABC's The View, where the hosts are now esteemed proponents of Harris. Even in this comfortable setting, Harris managed to stumble when asked, "If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden over the past four years?" Her underwhelming response—"There is not a thing that comes to mind"—was all the more disappointing as she needs to differentiate herself from President Joe Biden in the eyes of voters.

Opinion: Trump's Campaign Exploits Harris to Connect Biden's Failure

She later appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that same afternoon. Asked by Colbert what "major changes" there would be between a Harris and Biden presidency, she responded, only, "Well, I'm obviously not Joe Biden, and so that would be one change." This gave the Trump campaign the gift of wrapping her in Biden's reported failures.

The Editing-Gate Controversy

Things began to get sticky, however, when she appeared on CBS News 60 Minutes. A pre-teaser clip showcased one of Harris' infamous "word salads" regarding the Middle East. But when the full interview was aired, it had specifically been edited in an attempt to make the verbiage seem even more coherent. This led calls for CBS to release the full transcript with many viewers voicing skepticism regarding the whole enchilada.

Fox News Won't Pull Punches

Unlike every appearance up to this point, Harris will not be lavished with special benign treatment on Fox News. The network is notorious for tough questions, which might just provide the American public with one of the best opportunities to hear Harris speak directly for her record in office. Harris will not be granted soft edits and amiable hosts softening her responses, which might paint a much more candid picture of where Harris stands-and what she really believes.

A Gamble for Harris

It may be an attempt at reaching out to the right voters, but it's a gamble for Harris: her appearance on Fox News. Media performances in the past suggest that she might not be prepared for the grilling she will undergo before Fox News, and another misstep could cost dear as the election draws near.