Determination of urine Glucose by Benedict Method

Benedict Method

Clinical Significance

  • Glycosuria
  • Diabetic Mellitus 
  • Diabetic Insipidus
  • Metabolic Disorder


When Benedict reagent is heating with urine then present Cupric Ion in reagent is convert into Cuprous ion. This is due to the presence of sodium carbonate on alkaline medium and formation of colour. Benedict reagent colour is blue.

Name of method.                 Benedict Method
Reagent Name.                     Benedict reagent

Preparation of Benedic Reagent

Copper Sulphate               17.3gm
Sodium Carbonate.          100gm
Sodium Citrate.                 173gm
Distilled water.                 100ml


  • Benedict reagent
  • Test tube 
  • Pasture pipette
  • Bunsen burner
  • Test tube holder
  • Specimen

  1. 5ml Benedic Reagent in a test tube by the help of pipette
  2. Now add 7 to 8 drop urin in test tube 
  3. Heat with the help of Bunsen burner
  4. Observe the colour
1. No colour Change - Glucose absent
2. Colour Change.      - Glucose present

  • Yellow green.  = +
  • Green yellow  = ++
  • Orange.            = +++
  • Brick Red.        = ++++

Benedict test result

Benedict test result