BMLT 2nd year Sessional eaxm Question paper Microbiology

 Microbiology 2nd year

2×5 = 10

Very Short answers 

1 Father of microbiology.

Ans = Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

2 Three name of gram positive bacteria.

Ans = Streptococcus Stephylococcus and Pneumococcus

3. Define disinfectant.

4. Discuss sterilization. 

5. Principal of gram stain.

Ans = That is use to identify bacteria physical and chemical properties.

6. Three name of gram negative bacteria.

Ans = Neisseria , Pseudomonas and Haemophilus

7. Any three name of biochemical test.

Ans = Carbohydrates Fermentation test , Catalase test and Indole production test

8. Two name of DNA virus

Ans = Hepatitis B Virus and Smallpox viruses

9. Explain serial dilution technique.

10. Two name of RNA virus

Ans = Hepatitis C virus And COVID-19

Short Answers


1. Morphology and Laboratory diagnosis of streptococcus ape.

2. Principal and procedure of AFB stain with results. 

3. Clinical disease and laboratory diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

4. Principal and procedure of Indol test with results.

5. Morphology and clinical disease of Treponema and Pseudomonas.

Essay Type Answers (Any-One)

(15x1 = 15)

 1. Morphology, clinical disease and laboratory diagnosis Dermetophytes and its Treatments.

 2. Morphology and clinical disease of corynebateria and procedure of Albert's stain.

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