Blood Bank MCQ For DHA Paramedical Laboratory Technician

Which is Important for ABO antigen ?

  1. H Substance ✔
  2. I Substance
  3. Alfo antigen
  4. Beta antigen

Blue color of antisera A is due to ?

  1. Trypan Blue ✔
  2. Methylene Blue
  3. Cynide
  4. None of Above

D Antigen is also called as ?

  1. Rh+ve
  2. Rh-Ve
  3. Bombay Blood Group
  4. RH Antigen ✔

O Negative is Universal ?

  1. Donor ✔
  2. Recipient
  3. Donor as well as Recipient
  4. All of above

Removal of Specific Component of blood for human body by process of –

  1. Apheresis ✔
  2. Centrifuge
  3. All of above
  4. None of above

Platelet Rich Plasma Prepare in how much hour after collection ?

  1. 24 Hours
  2. 8 Hours
  3. 6 Hours ✔
  4. Any time but should be referigerated

Centrifuge whole blood in low speed give us ?

  1. RPR ✔
  2. PPP
  3. PC
  4. WBC

Fresh Frozen Plasma store for –

  1. 5 Years at -70°C ✔
  2. 1 Year at -4°C
  3. 24 hours at -20°C
  4. 71 hours at Room Temperature

1 Unit rise Hb

  1. 1% ✔
  2. 0.1%
  3. 10%
  4. 5%

How often we donate blood ?

  1. After 24 hours
  2. After 3 Hours
  3. After 3 Months ✔
  4. After 6 Months

What is an Advantage of apheresis ?

  1. Avoide Circulatory Overload
  2. Avoide Iron Overload
  3. Different Blood Componants to Different patients
  4. Save Multiple Life
  5. All of above ✔

The minimum Hematocrit for an antologus blood donor is ?

  1. 35%
  2. 33% ✔
  3. 32%
  4. 36%

Donor Samples must be stored in transfusion service foe what period of time after Transfudion ?

  1. 2 weeks
  2. 3 days
  3. 7 days ✔
  4. 1 month

An individual who has recently been diagnosis with syphilis is deferred for ?

  1. 2 weeks
  2. Permanently
  3. 4 weeks
  4. 1 year ✔

Which of the following is the minimum weight for routien blood donor ?

  1. 9 lbs
  2. 100 lbs
  3. 90 lbs
  4. 110 lbs ✔

Which one of the following test is performed by the blood center to prevent disease transmission ?

ABO Typing
Hbsag ✔

Fresh frozen plasma can be utilize till ?

35 days
6 hours
24 hours
1 year ✔

Individual with Blood Group have both Anti-A and Anti-B antobodies in serum ?

Group A
Group B
Group AB
Group O ✔

Agglutination with both Anti-A and Anti-B typing indicates the blood group is ?

AB ✔

Blood containing neither antigen A nor B is which of the following Group ?

O ✔

Both parent are group AB which of the following are possible in offspring ?

Group A
Group B
Group AB
All of above ✔

Why are transfusions given?

  1. To increase the amount of blood
  2. To increase the blood’s ability to carry oxygen
  3. To decrease the risk of bleeding
  4. All of the above ✔

Which parts of the blood can be transfused?

  1. Whole blood
  2. Platelets
  3. Red blood cells
  4. All of the above ✔

What is the minimum you should weigh to donate blood?

  1. 100 pounds
  2. 110 pounds ✔
  3. 115 pounds
  4. 125 pounds

How often can a donor give blood?

  1. goog_2059582501At any time
  2. Every 2 months
  3. Every 3 months ✔
  4. Every 6 months

How much blood usually is donated at a time?

1 pint ✔
2 pints
1 quart
2 quarts

What are the common risks of donating blood?

  1. Contract common viruses
  2. Bacterial infection
  3. Low blood pressure
  4. None of the above ✔

Donated blood undergoes screening for which diseases?

Viral hepatitis
A and B ✔

An advisory panel of experts has suggested that anyone who received transfusions before March 1992 be screened for which of these diseases?

Hepatitis C ✔

Which is the most common blood type among Americans?

O positive ✔
O negative
AB positive
AB negative

In ABO Blood Grouping antigen is present on __ and antibody in present on __ ?

  1. Antigen on Red cells, Antobodies in Serum ✔
  2. Antigen on Serum, Antobodies on Red cells
  3. Both Present on Red cells
  4. Both Present in Serum

Red cells in Grouping Used as ?

  1. Known cells reacts with unknown serum
  2. Unknown cells reacts with known serum ✔
  3. Unknown cells reacts with known Cells
  4. Non of the above

A normal healthy man can donate blood after how many months ?

  1. 2 Months
  2. 3 Months ✔
  3. 6 Months
  4. After 1 Year

To Check Compatibility reaction, Patient Serum and donor cells is used in which type of Cross Match ?

  1. Major Cross Match ✔
  2. Minor Cross match
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of above

A donor is considered as defferred if donor is ?

  1. Havind Diahorrea
  2. Hepatitis A
  3. HIV Positive ✔
  4. All of the above

If mother is Rh- Negative, in second pregnancy indirect antibody test is used to detect ?

  1. IgG antibody
  2. IgM antibody
  3. Sensitized RBCs in mother blood
  4. Sensitized antibodies in mother serum ✔

A person having Blood group O containing antibodies ?

  1. Anti A Only
  2. Anti B Only
  3. Anti A and Anti B ✔
  4. Anti D only

Hemolytic Disease of new born in manifested ?

  1. Mother is Rh Positive, Baby is Rh Negative
  2. Mother is Rh Positive, Baby is Rh Positive
  3. Mother is Rh Negative, Baby is Rh Positive ✔
  4. Mother is Rh Negative, Baby is Rh Negative

Blood grouping is discovered by scientist in 1990 name was ?

  1. Charles Richard Drew
  2. Alexander S, Weiner
  3. Karl Landsteiner ✔
  4. None of the above

Donor Serum and patient Cells are used in which type of Cross-match ?

  1. Minor Cross match ✔
  2. Major Cross Match
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of above

In hemolytic disease of new born, Direct coombs test is used to detect ?

  1. Sensitized antobodies in patients serum
  2. IgG antibodies
  3. Sensitized RBCs in patient serum ✔
  4. IgM antibodies

A person having Blood Group AB Positive is ?

  1. Universal Donor
  2. Universal Recipient ✔
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of above

A donor will not be considered as permanent defferred if donor have ?

  1. HIV Positive
  2. Hepatitis A ✔
  3. Hepatitis B
  4. Hepatitis C

Antisera A Color is __ and Antisera B color is __ ?

  1. Blue and Yellow ✔
  2. Yellow and Blue
  3. Blue and Red
  4. Yellow and Red

Most fetal incompatibility Causing ?

  1. Iron deficiency Anemia
  2. Macrocytic anemia
  3. Leukemia
  4. Hemolytic Disease of new born ✔

Which of the following is present in Cryoprecipitate?

  1. Factor XI
  2. Factor V
  3. Factor X
  4. Factor VIII ✔

Which immunoglobuline is involved in the delayed hemolytic reaction ?

  1. IgG ✔
  2. IgM
  3. IgD
  4. IgE

The D antigen is present in ?

  1. Platelets
  2. RBCs ✔
  3. WBCs
  4. None of these

What are the hepatitis virus screened in donor blood ?

  1. A and B
  2. B and C ✔
  3. A and C
  4. A, B and C

___ cannot be a reason for transfusion reaction ?

  1. Hemolyzed Blood
  2. Compatible Blood ✔
  3. Mismatched blood
  4. Infected blood