What is Blood Formation

  1. Introduction
  2. Formation


Blood is a type of connective tissue in which the following types of Physical properties arr found.
  1. Color 
  2. Volume 
  3. Reaction & ph 
  4. Specific Gravity
  5. Viscosity
1. Color:-

Blood is a fluid which is Red in color. Arterial blood is Red and Venus blood is purple red.

2. Volume:-

4 to 5 liter blood in a normal person.
3. Reaction & ph:-

It is slightly Alkaline and its ph is 7.4.

4.Specific Gravity
Total Blod         -.    1.052 to 1.061
Blood cells       -.     1.092 to 1.101
Plasma.             -      1.022 to 1.026

5. Viscosity:- 
It is 5 timea thickwr than water. Which is caused by blood cells and plasma.

Composition of Blood

Blood has three main function

  1. Transport
  2. Protection
  3. Requlation

Blood transport the following substances gases, namely Oxygen (O²) and carbon dioxide (CO²), between the lungs and rest of the body Nutrition form the digestive tract and storate sites to the rest of the body wast products be detoxified or removed by the liver and Kidneys Hormones from the glands in which they are produced to their target cells Heat to the skin So as to help regulate body temperature.


Lenkocytea, or white blood cells, destroy invading microorganisms and Cancer cells Antibodies and other proteins destroy pathogenic substances Platelet factors initiate blood clotting and help minimise blood loss.


pH by interacting with acids and bases water balance by transferring water to and from tissues.

Blood Formation

Introduction of RBC (Erythrocyte)

It is a non-nucleated formal element found in blood, it's color appears Red Due to Hemaglobin.

Normal Value

Male       4.5 to 6 Million/cumm
Female.  4.0 to 4.5 Million/cumm


Diameter - 7.2
Thickness -2.2
Central thickness 1.0
Surface.    - 120
Volume.        85 to 90

Shape Disk Shape Biconcave, Dumbell Shape 

Properties Of RBC :-

When the blood is taken out of the body then the RBC collect on top of rack other like a coin which we all Rolaxformation.
Specific Gravity 1.092 to 1.101


When blood is centrifuged with a prepared Anticoagulant. Centrifuged in the wintrobe tube in a centrifuged machine at 300RPM
fo 30 minute , So Sediment gets desposited at bottom of the RBC tube and plasma comes up in the tube , it is called the Hematocrit or PCV this is noted on the column containing RBC on.
Variation in Number of RBC 

Increase Number of RBC count

Age- 8 to 10 million blood at thr time of birth ,this work is done 10 days after birth and comes to the normal level 

Sex- Before adolescence, RBC count in male and female is equal, but due to the reproductive period RBC count decrease in females.

High Altitude- The RBC Count of a person living at 10000 feet living at high Altitude is 7million/ cumm, which is due to Hypoxia.

Emotional Condition:- RBC count increases in emotional Condition like acidity.

High Temperature:- RBC count increases in high temperature condition.

After Meal :- RBC count increases after eating food.

Decrease Number of RBC count

High blood pressure :- RBC count decreases due to high blood pressure it is due to high amount of oxygen.

After sleep:- RBC count decreases due after sleeping.

Pregnancy:- RBC count decreases due to extra cellular fluid increase in pregnancy.

Life Spam of RBC 

  1. Normal RBC is of 120 days. We destroy RBC in the Reticulo Endothelial system.
  2. When RBC is 120 days old, it's cell wall or cell membrane us very flexible.
  3. The diameter of the capillary via equal to or smaller than the diameter of the RBC. It easily passed through capillary in RBC but old RBC is very flexible due to which capillary is not able to pass easily.
  4. Daily 10% RBC is big is destroyed and a new one is made and 0.6gm is produced in Hemoglobin plasma and 0.9 to 1.5 mg Billirubin is formed.

Erythroposis :-  It is a process in which RBC are made and grow and developed RBC are obtained.

Site of Erythroposis:- It RBC  is found in Embryo in three stages.

  1. Mesoblastic Stage 
  2. Hepatic Stage 
  3. Myeloid Stage 
1. Mesoblastic Stage :- The process of developing yolk sac of primitive RBC mesmchyme occurs within 2 month of embryo initiation .

2. Hepatic Stage :- RBC are formed in the lira from the 3 month of the embryo stage and formed in some spleen and Lymphoid organs.

3. Myeloid Stage:- RBC is made in the bone marrow in the last month.

Stage of Hemopoiesis:-

Hematopoiesis :- The formation of blood or all types of blood cell in the living body.

Stage of Erythroposis:- 
From stem cells mature RBC are formed in the following

  1. Proerythroblast stage
  2. Early Normoblast Stage 
  3. Intermedial Normoblast Stage
  4. Last Normoblast Stage 
  5. Reticulocyte
  6. Mature Erythroposis
1. Proerythroblast stage :-
It is the first cell that is formed from the stem cell the size of the cell is large. Its size is about 20mm. Nucleus is large. Haemoglobin is absent in this stage.

2. Early Normoblast Stage:-
This cell is small and its diameter is 15mm. Nucleus dissipates from the nuclear. Due to which the chromatin network is obtained Cytoplasm is of Basophilic nature and stain with basic dye that is why it is also called Basophilic Erythroblast.

3. Intermedial Normoblast:-
This cell is similar in size to cell found in the early Normoblast Stage. Its diameter is 10 to 12 mm. Nucleus and chromatin network is present Hemoglobin starts to be added in this stage. Due to the presence of Hemoglobin both acidic and basic types are stained from stian, Hence it is also called Polychromophilic Erythroblast.

4. Late Normoblast Stage:- 
In this stage the diameter of the cell in 8 to 10mm. The nucleus is very small it contains a large amount of chromatin network present. In this stage the quantity of Hemoglobin  starts increasing. In this stage the nucleus breaks down and dissipates.

5. Reticulocyte :- 
It is also known as immature RBC. It is slightly larger then mature RBC, Reticular network and disintegrated organelles usually part present in Cytoplasm. The number of Reticulocyte start to decrease after 1 hour of birth and after some time the Reticulocyte count remains less than 1% .

6. Mature Erythroposis:-
Reticular network starts to collapse and mature gets converted to RBC mature RBC Biconcave in size about 7.2 mm in diameter. Hemoglobin is present and nucleus is absent.

Notes :- 
It takes  7 days from the time of creation of RBC and its completion. It takes 5 days to reach from 1st stage to 5th stage, it takes 2 days for the Reticulocyte to become mature RBC.