Preparation of specimen collection Material

  1. Disposable Syringe and needle
  2. Cotton 
  3. Tourniquet
  4. 70% Alcohol
  5. Clean and dry bottle
  6. Test tube with anticoagulant
Blood Collection Material

Collection of blood
Routine hematological tests that requires small amount of blood for them, blood is collected by pricking the finger and ear lob. Blood is collected by vain puncture for such hematological tests in which larg amount of blood are required.

Collection of Capillary blood by skin Puncture.

  1. Clean blood collection areas with 70% Alcohol or Spirits.
  2. Prick should be done with the help of needle at the place of clean. The prick should be So deep that the blood comes out easily 
  3. The first drop of blood should be clean with the help of cotton.
  4. Second drop should be used for test.

Number of test by Capillary blood:-

  • Hemoglobin
  • RBC Count, WBC Count, Platelets Count
  • DLC Count 
  • Bleeding time 
  • Clotting time 
  • Blood Group
  • Rh type 
Notes :- Capillary blood should be used in the absence of Venus blood

 Blood Indices

  1. M.C.V
  2. M.C.H
  3. M.C.H.C
  4. Color index

What is Blood Indices

Hemoglobin, PCV to determine blood sample and total RBC counting is done, they are calculated and index is expected.

Determination of Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

MCV Example with Formula

Normal Value - 82-92/ cumm
Increase MCV - Macrocytic Anemia
Decrease MCV- Microcytic Anemia


Determination of Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)

MCH Formula
Normal Value - 27 - 32pg
Increase MCH - Macrocytic Anemia
Decrease MCH - Hypocromia


Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

M.C.H.C Formula
Normal Value - 32-36%
Increase MCHC - Spherocytosis
Decrease MCHC - Hypocromia Anemia.

Color index 

1. It is the percentage of RBC and hemoglobin in the blood. It is important for the determination of Anemia.

2. Megaloblast Anemia occurs when color index increase.

3. Iron deficiency Anemia occurs when the color index decrease.

Normal Value- 0.85 to 1.15%

Color index Example Formula

Color index Example Formula