What is Parasitology?

  1. Introduction
  2. Collection of Sample
  3. Protozoa
  4. Helminth
1. Introduction

Study of parasites that cause diseases in humans. It is called medical Parasitology.

Clinical Parasitology:-

Pathogenic organisms that are larger in size than bacteria and fungi under clinical parasitology.


The organism that provides nutrition and habitat for the parasite to survive is called the host.

A living organism that takes its nutritional habitat from another living organism is called a parasite.

Classes of Parasite 

Classes of Parasite divided into 8 classes.
  1. Ectoparasite 
  2. Endoparasite 
  3. Temporary Parasite
  4. Permanent Parasite
  5. Facultative Parasite
  6. Obligatory Parasite
  7. Occosional Parasite
  8. Wondering Parasite
1. Ectoparasite.
Parasites that live on the surface of the host's body are called ectoparasites.

2. Endoparasite:-
Parasites that live inside the host's body are called endoparasites.

3. Temporary Parasite:-
visits the host for some time.

4. Permanent Parasite:-
Who lives with the host's body for the rest of his life.

5. Facultative:-
When given an opportunity, the parasite affects the host by attacking the host.

6. Obligatory Parasite:-
The parasite that cannot exist without life.

7. Unusually attacks the host.

8. Wondering Parasite:-
They go to the place where they hide but do not live like they do and become pathogenic when given a chance.

Classes of Host

The organism which provides nutrition and shelter to the parasite to survive is called host.

  1. Definitive Host 
  2. Intermediate Host
  3. Paratenic Host
1. Definitive Host :- 
providing shelter to the adult stage of the parasite or where the parasite is reproduced by sexual method.

2. Intermediate Host :-
It provided habitat to the larval stage of the parasite.

3. Paratenic Host:-
A host that carries parasites from one place to another without further development.

Source of Infection

Source of Infection:-
Parasitic infection spreads through various sources, it is transmitted or spread.

1. Soil:-
Embryonated eggs and infective larvae which are present in the soil. Enters the body by an ingestive and larval inoculations and by injection and skin penetrative.

2. Water:- 
Cyst of protozoa present in water and eggs or infective larvae of helminthes enter the body by drinking water.

3. Food:-
Contamination food through human or animal faces and infective larvae enter the body by ingesting contaminating meat.

4. Insect Vactor :-
Tow types of Insect Vactor

  1. Biological
  2. Machanical
1. Biological

These types of Biological Insect Vector
  • Mosquito 
  • Sand fly 
  • Tstenfly 
  • Ticks 
  • Reduviud Bug
2. Machanical

  • Housefly
5. Animals :-

  • Domestic - Cow, Pig , Dog , Cat
  • Some wild - Moll uses
  • Self       - Auto Infection

Mode Infection 

  1. Oral Transmission
  2. Skin Transmission
  3. Vectors Transmission
1. Oral Transmission:-
By food, water, and fingers

2. Skin Transmission :-
By Pentration, Inoculation or infection

3. Vectors Transmission

Collection Preservation and Processing of Sample in Parasitology

Stool collection sample :-

  1. Stool sample collected in clean, Dry Wide Mouth closed container.
  2. The container should be plastic.
  3. Urine should not be mixed in the sample while collecting the stool sample.


  1. Stool sample should be examine within one hour.
  2. If it is not possible to examine the sample within one hour, the sample should be mixed with formal Saline 

Composition of Formalin Saline 

  • 40% formaline   - 25ml
  • Normal Saline.  -. 75ml
The amount of Formalin Saline should be three times more than the sample.