Defination of carbohydrate 

Carbohydrate are the compound which gives polyhydramoxy aldehyde and keto group on their hydrolysis. 

Function of Carbohydrates-

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body brain cells and RBC are most depends on carbohydrates as the source of energy.

Carbohydrates provides 4Kcal/g

Starch in plant and glycogen in animal liver and skeleton muscle are the storage from of the Carbohydrate.

Excess carbohydrate is converted to fat .

- Glycoproteins like cellulose in plant in mirco organism cell wall and exoskeleton of insects is the measure structural component.
Mucopolysaccharides are the ground substance of the connective tissue in higher organism.

- Glycoproteins  are Glycolipids are the main components of the cell membrane structure.

Classification of Carbohydrates 

Classification of Carbohydrates