1. Before the Donation: Get Ready!

Blood donation is a relatively safe way to help people with serious medical conditions. Donating blood can lead to other side effects, however, such as fatigue or anemia. Eating and drinking in moderation before and after giving can help reduce the risk of side effects.

Read on to learn what to eat and drink before donating blood, as well as tips on learning what to do after donating.

What to eat and drink

If you are donating blood, it is important that you stay hydrated before and after donating. That is because about half of your blood is made up of water. It is also a good idea to increase your access to the metal because you lose the metal when you donate. Low iron levels can cause symptoms of fatigue.


Iron is an important mineral that your body uses to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen from your lungs to your entire body.

Eating nutritious foods that are high in iron can help you maintain more iron. If you do not have enough iron stored to replenish the iron you lose when donating blood, you may develop iron deficiency anemia.

There are two different types of iron found in food: heme iron and nonheme iron. Heme iron is easily obtained, so it increases your iron levels effectively. Your body absorbs up to 30 percent of heme iron and 2 to 10 percent of nonheme iron.

Before donating blood, consider increasing your intake of iron-rich foods. This can help increase iron stores in your body and reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia.

Heme iron-rich foods include:
  • Meat, beef, lamb, pork, pork, beef and dried beef.
  • Chickens, like chicken and turkey.
  • Fish and shellfish, such as tuna, shrimp, clams, haddock, and mackerel.
  • Frames, like courage.
  • Eggs.
Foods rich in nonheme iron include:
  • Vegetables, such asspinach, sweet potatoes, peas, broccoli, string beans, beet greens, dandelion greens, collards, kale and chard.
  • Bread and grains, including nutritious white bread, rich cereals, whole wheat bread, rich pasta, wheat, bran grain, cereals, oats, rye bread and rich rice.
  • Fruits, such as strawberries, watermelon, dried, dates, dates, figs, grower cut, chopped juice, dried apricots, and dried peaches.
  • Beans, including tofu, kidney, garbanzo, white, dried peas, dried beans, and lentils.

Vitamin C

Although heme iron will increase your iron levels with great success, vitamin C can help your body better absorb plant-based iron, or nonheme iron.

Many fruits are a good source of vitamin C. The fruits that are high in this vitamin include:

  • catalog
  • citrus fruits and juices
  • kiwi fruit
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • pineapple
  • strawberries
  • berries
  • berries
  • cranberries
  • watermelon
  • tomatoes


About half the blood you donate is made up of water. This means you will need to be fully sprayed. If you lose fluids during the blood donation process, your blood pressure drops, leading to dizziness. The American Red Cross recommends drinking 16 ounces, or 2 cups, before donating blood. Some non-alcoholic beverages are fine, too.

This extra liquid in addition to the recommended 72 to 104 ounces (9 to 13 cups) you should drink every day.

What to avoid

Some foods and beverages may have a negative effect on your blood pressure. Before donating blood, try to avoid the following:


Alcoholic beverages lead to dehydration. Try to avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours before donating blood. If you are drinking alcohol, make sure you compensate by drinking more water.

Fatty foods

Fatty foods, such as french fries or ice cream, can affect your blood tests. If your donation cannot be tested for infectious diseases, then it cannot be used for transfusion. Therefore, skip the donuts on the day of the offering.

Iron blockers

Some foods and drinks can affect your body's ability to absorb iron. You do not need to avoid these foods altogether, but avoid eating them at the same time as eating foods high in iron or iron supplements. Foods that reduce iron intake include:
  • Coffee and tea
  • High-calcium foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Red wine
  • Chocolate


If you are donating blood platelets - which is a different process than donating whole, or normal blood - your system should not contain aspirin 48 hours before the donation.

What to eat and drink after donating blood

After donating blood, you will be given a light snack and something to drink. This will help boost your blood sugar and fluid levels. To replenish your fluids, drink 4 cups of water over the next 24 hours, and avoid alcohol.

Are there any side effects to donating blood?

Most people have no side effects when donating blood. After donating blood, you will be asked to wait at the refreshment for 10 to 15 minutes to make sure you feel better.

Once you have had a snack and something to drink, you can return to your daily activities. The Red Cross recommends avoiding strenuous lifting and vigorous exercise throughout the day.

If you are a blood donor, you may want to talk to your doctor about iron supplements. It can take a reliable Moon Source to get your iron levels back to normal after donating blood. A 2015 StudyTrust source found that taking iron supplements could significantly reduce the recovery time.


Donating blood is a great way to give back to your community. It is usually quick and easy. If you eat healthy on the day of your offering and drink a lot of extra fluids, you should have no or no side effects.

During the Blood Donation Process

The process of donating blood from the time you arrive until your departure takes about an hour. The offering itself is about 8-10 minutes on average.

Important Considerations for All Types of Donors

Donor eligibility rules help protect the health and safety of both the donor and the person who will receive a blood transfusion. The general guidelines listed below will help you decide if you are eligible to donate blood or platelets.

General guidelines

To donate blood or platelets, you must be in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds, and at least 16 years of age. Parental consent is required to donate blood for 16-year-olds; 16-year-olds are not eligible to donate platelets. No parental consent is required for those at least 17 years of age. If you are 76 years or older, you will need your doctor's written consent or platelet donation.