Entamoeba Gingivalia

  1. Only trophozoite stage of Entamoeba Gingivalia is obtained but no cyst occurs.
  2. The size of the trophozoite is 10 to 20 mm. Actively motile multiple pseudopodia along the epithelial cell with bacteria ingesting food vacuoles in the cytoplasm.
  3. Nucleus rounded shape central karyosome and nuclear membrane cause chromatin granules in line.
Entamoeba Gingivalia Trophozoite
Entamoeba Gingivalia Trophozoite

Mode of Transmission :-

By Direct Oral Contact And Droplets Of Saliva And Clomid.


It is obtained in vaginal and cervical smears when humans use intrauterine devices in a contaminant manner.It Appears in Dog, Cat and Monkey's Mouth.

Giardia lamblia

Geographical Distribution- World Wide


Present in the upper part of duodenum and jejunum. Most Common Intestine Protozoa Flagella Pathogen That Cause Diarrhoea.

Marphology :-

On the basis of morphology it is divided into two faces.
  1. Trophozoites 
  2. Cyst
1. Trophozoites :-
Rounded anterior and posterior or size 14πm Long, 9πm width and 4πm thick

  1. When viewed in fat lay form, it appears like tennis and badminton rackets and looks like a layer when viewed from the side.
  2. Its dorsal surface and ventral surface are tightened
  3. Its anterior end is broad and rounded and its posterior end is shaped like a point.
  4. Its body is bilaterally symmetrical and all the organs of the body are paralleled.
  5. Trophozoite is activaly motile.  The trophozoite longitundinal is divided by binary fission.With the help of sucking disc, villi and crypts found in the upper part of jejunum and duodenum are attached to the apical and feeding through pinotosis.